Daftar Drop dan Lokasi Epic Item INOTIA 4 Bag 1


Note: kamu harus sudah menamatkan dan melawan final boss untuk bisa ke stage dibawah ini

-Emperor's Sword lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Obsidian Laser lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Destructiv Totem lvl.105: 5th Layer/4th Layer(Boss Raging Minotaur)
-Blood Drinker lvl.105: 5th Layer/4th Layer(Boss Raging Minotaur)
-Mind Crier lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Sharpshooter lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Body Slicer lvl.105: 5th Layer/4th Layer(Boss Enraged Dragon)
-Shadownfiend Iron Mace lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Destruction Scepter lvl.100: 4th Layer(Boss Lunatic Golem)
-Mortal Slayer lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Zahat Kuruhatt's Spirit)
-Drake's Sword lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Werewolf's Lost Soul)
-Holy Tablet lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Werewolf's Lost Soul)
-Blood Raven lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Lunatic Chasers Captain)
-Redrider Bowgun lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Lunatic Chasers Captain)
-Bone Stinger lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Contaminated Head Goblin)
-Darkness Shredder lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Mutated Zombie)
-Desolator lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Lunatic Earl)

-Steel Heart lvl.105: 4th Layer(Boss Lunatic Golem)
-Sage Tattered Robe lvl.105: 5th Layer/4th Layer(Boss Raging Minotaur)
-Black Chaser lvl.105: 5th Layer/4th Layer(Boss Enraged Dragon)
-Armor of Sorrow lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Contaminated Head Goblin)
-Shadow Strider lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Lunatic Earl)

-Red Hat lvl.103: 3th Layer(Boss Enrage Chief Drow's Spirit)
-Black Knight Helm lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Zahad Kuruhatt's Spirit)
-Helm of Mist lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Werewolf's Lost Soul)
-Voluminous Style lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Contaminated Head Goblin)

-Sage Hat lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Zahad Kuruhatt's Spirit)
-Funky lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Mutated Zombie)
-Lucky Hat lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Lunatic Earl)

-Circlet of Hope lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Big Ribbon lvl.105: 4th Layer(Boss Lunatic Golem)
-Englightened One lvl.105: 3th Layer(Boss Demon Lord)
-Crown of Glory lvl.100: 2th Layer(Boss Lunatic Chasers Captain)

-Colorful Ribbon lvl.103: 5th Layer
-Demon's Crown lvl.105: 3th Layer(Boss Darkhood Boss)

-Victory Gauntle lvl.105: 3th Layer(Boss Darkhood Boss)
-Legion Gauntle lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Mutated Zombie)

-Conqueror Boots lvl.105: 3th Layer(Boss Demon Lord)
-Infantry Boots lvl.100: 1th Layer(Boss Lunatic Earl)

-Guardian of Patience lvl.105: 3th Layer(Boss Enrage Chief Drow's Spirit)

-Wounds of War lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Soul Ring lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Truth of Life lvl.105: 5th Layer
-Authority of Power lvl.100: 3th Layer(Boss Darkhood Boss)
-Wings of Light lvl.100: 3th Layer(Boss Enrage Chief Drow's Spirit)
-Dragon Teeth Neckle lvl.100: 3th Layer(Boss Demon Lord)

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1 Response to "Daftar Drop dan Lokasi Epic Item INOTIA 4 Bag 1"

  1. Kaa tiap weapon kasih tau dong jenisnya,kaya longsword,dagger,staff,orb,dll makasiii
